Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Use job stories not personas to #ux http://t.co/DQr6fVU6Tu #leanux #leanstartup
— Doan Winkel (@Trep_Ed)2013-12-25 08:01:45
“@yoemprendo: Designing Features Using Job Stories http://t.co/ehttWKA5Uf vía @NYCWebgrrls #ux #custdev #leanstartup”
— NIESIX CONSULTING (@niesix)2013-12-24 05:12:30
Designing Features Using Job Stories http://t.co/8LS6vIj2m4 vía @NYCWebgrrls @yoemprendo #ux #custdev #leanstartup
— Miguel Macías (@mmaciasr)2013-12-24 05:12:18
Designing Features Using Job Stories http://t.co/tALMF5hOpw vía @NYCWebgrrls #ux #custdev #leanstartup
— Jose A. de Miguel (@yoemprendo)2013-12-24 05:05:09
Design is critical for startups https://t.co/pKoOMg8I3M @welovelean #ux #leanux #leanstartup
— Doan Winkel (@Trep_Ed)2013-12-22 17:36:52
Wrote a short #sketchnote on #UX for #LeanStartup by @lauraklein
— Torbjörn Ryber (@Tobbe_Ryber)2013-12-21 14:19:45
RT @mijafeldman: UX is not an unfair advantage! It's a MUST-HAVE! #leanux #ux #leanstartup #growthhacking
— John Kieti (@gmeltdown)2013-12-20 18:27:18
RT @mijafeldman: UX is not an unfair advantage! It's a MUST-HAVE! #leanux #ux #leanstartup #growthhacking
— Colibri IO (@ColibriTool)2013-12-20 16:12:41
Check out "User Experience http://t.co/KtRzKwqZn4 #leanstartup #leanux #agile #userexperience #interactiondesign #ux
— JoseLuquin (@joseluquin)2013-12-20 16:09:21
UX is not an unfair advantage! It's a MUST-HAVE! #leanux #ux #leanstartup #growthhacking
— Mijael Feldman (@mijafeldman)2013-12-20 16:06:27
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
Ultraman - 45adrianh - 33
AlexOnUX - 26
welovelean - 17
natwar86 - 16
jboogie - 14
startupSQUARE - 12
CashClamber - 12
LeanCircleSF - 10
LUXrco - 9
Most shared links
http://trik.ro/Zkbnmq - 73http://oreil.ly/18XrYCH - 17
http://bit.ly/LUBZql - 17
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021827.do - 15
http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920021827.do# - 14
http://www.gamedevacademy.org/lean-ux-for-beginners/ - 14
http://www.slideshare.net/romanpichler/introduction-to-the-product-canvas/ - 13
http://feltpresence.com/articles/9-what-happens-to-user-experience-in-a-minimum-viable-product - 12
http://bit.ly/11EJ16v - 10
https://neo.com/2013/01/14/running-multiple-lean-teams-at-once - 10
Related tags
UX - 1121leanstartup - 836
leanux - 235
agile - 161
Agile2012 - 91
Lean - 82
design - 70
startups - 68
MVP - 41
prodmgnt - 38