Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Interesting enough sounds like #agile legal could use some #noestimates. Let's learn from each other. #oredev
— Jakob Wolman (@jakobwolman)2013-11-06 04:43:11
#noestimates tutorial #lkce13 (at @RadissonBlu Hotel, Hamburg w/ 5 others)
— Jin-Ha Tchoe (@johalla_tribe)2013-11-06 03:29:46
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Roger Mattos (@roger_mattos)2013-11-04 15:47:39
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Rodrigo Yoshima (@rodrigoy)2013-11-04 15:43:25
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Alexander Fürstenau (@afuerstenau)2013-11-04 09:11:18
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Chris R. Chapman (@DerailleurAgile)2013-11-04 08:59:15
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Markus Andrezak (@markusandrezak)2013-11-04 08:37:16
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— überproduct (@ueberproduct)2013-11-04 08:36:27
RT @az1: the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Erik Schön (@erik_schon)2013-11-04 08:31:26
the difference between estimate and forecast is that the forecast states its uncertainty. ~ @t_magennis #lkce13 #NoEstimates
— Alexei Zheglov (@az1)2013-11-04 08:29:45
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
WoodyZuill - 28drunkcod - 13
jakobwolman - 10
neil_killick - 6
NoEstimates - 6
DerailleurAgile - 5
mheusser - 5
techometry - 4
markotaipale - 4
rodrigoy - 3
Most shared links - 7 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 - 1
Related tags
noestimates - 225Agile2013 - 96
Oredev - 52
LeanStartup - 16
MobProgramming - 13
lkce13 - 12
LASTconf - 9
SAFe - 6
SDEC13 - 6
AgileTD - 6