Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @andrecampanini: QCon 2013 -> Confira fotos da conferência: http://t.co/x2kxPjlBkv #qconsp #qconsp2013
— Felipe Oliveira (@scaphe)2013-09-04 13:56:05
RT @thoughtworks: .@jezhumble foi keynote da #QconSP falando de "21st Century Software Delivery". Perdeu? Os slides estão aqui: http://t.c…
— V Moschetta (@VMoschetta)2013-09-04 13:28:26
RT @andrecampanini: QCon 2013 -> Confira fotos da conferência: http://t.co/x2kxPjlBkv #qconsp #qconsp2013
— AgendaTech (@agendatech)2013-09-04 13:15:19
.@jezhumble foi keynote da #QconSP falando de "21st Century Software Delivery". Perdeu? Os slides estão aqui: http://t.co/lxVJOUgNDn
— ThoughtWorks, Inc. (@thoughtworks)2013-09-04 13:05:03
@yuizinha Ele usa MathJax. A mesma biblioteca que eu usei na minha apresentação no #qconsp: http://t.co/WMdfZmYIYg
— Juan Lopes (@juanplopes)2013-09-04 13:01:11
RT @IndustrialLogic: .@freire_da_silva, @ #QConSP "How to Create a Culture Where it is Safe to Learn from our Failures" #techsafety http://…
— Paulo Rebelo (@phfrebelo)2013-09-04 12:48:43
Galera da agilidade ficou com inveja da briga sobre SOA no #qconsp e começaram uma parecida hj - cada um brigando pela sua buzzword.
— Victor Arias (@ariassp)2013-09-04 10:02:22
.@freire_da_silva, @ #QConSP "How to Create a Culture Where it is Safe to Learn from our Failures" #techsafety http://t.co/LKCD4uO7qG
— Industrial Logic (@IndustrialLogic)2013-09-04 09:11:06
RT @bregaida: Migrations for Java (QCONSP2013) by @rponte on #qconSP #agile #database http://t.co/0auoTyrf9j
— Anny Mayara' (@annymayara)2013-09-04 07:48:55
RT @bregaida: Migrations for Java (QCONSP2013) by @rponte on #qconSP #agile #database http://t.co/0auoTyrf9j
— Jac Abreu Lopes (@JacAbreu)2013-09-04 07:40:10
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
bregaida - 146andrecampanini - 90
ederign - 69
henrylle - 66
catwork_ - 58
suelengc - 47
rponte - 46
lucabastos - 42
rodrigoma - 41
while42 - 38
Most shared links
http://www.slideshare.net/jezhumble/21-century-software - 49http://www.CasaDoCodigo.com.br - 27
http://www.slideshare.net/eshiota/responsive-web-design-e-a-ubiquidade-da-web - 26
http://bit.ly/Muxzpj - 21
http://Globo.com - 21
http://www.slideshare.net/rponte/migrations-for-java-qconsp2013 - 17
http://j.mp/1a6Q8MB - 16
http://www.thoughtworks.com/events/join-revolution-tour-august-2012 - 15
http://soujava.org.br/2013/07/29/soujava-na-qcon-2013/ - 14
http://www.slideshare.net/fabiokung/dicas-e-truques-para-ser-um-bom-inquilino-no-cloud - 14
Related tags
qconsp - 4847QConSP2013 - 82
qCon - 73
RubyConfBR - 66
ThoughtWorks - 56
CaravanaJavaCE - 55
github - 48
caelum - 46
in - 45
qcon2012 - 42