Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— Andrei Serdeliuc (@extraordinaire)2012-06-25 14:52:06
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— Jose Diaz-Gonzalez (@savant)2012-06-25 14:49:23
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— JB Zimmerman (@jbzimmerman)2012-06-25 14:49:09
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— ted tanner jr (@tctjr)2012-06-25 14:47:32
#opschef is a powerful tool, but you need to know how to make it work for your environment #velocityconf
— John Martinez (@johnmartinez)2012-06-25 14:40:37
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— Blackavar (Michael) (@B1ackavar)2012-06-25 14:32:53
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— avleen (@avleen)2012-06-25 14:27:08
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— Gavin Heavyside (@gavinheavyside)2012-06-25 14:25:36
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— Gagandeep S Sapra (@TheBigGeek)2012-06-25 14:25:00
RT @jtimberman: Etsy open sourced their Chef+Graphite dashboard code last night. http://t.co/IKM402l3. Cool! #opschef #velocityconf
— Steve Bennett (@DaemonSteve)2012-06-25 14:18:20
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
jtimberman - 4ehaselwanter - 3
eoinbrazil - 2
johnmartinez - 2
bryanwb - 2
jorgeespada - 2
juanjeojeda - 2
it_spirit - 2
tas50 - 1
mikebrittain - 1
Most shared links
http://github.com/etsy/dashboard - 34http://bit.ly/WHFwbf - 19
https://speakerdeck.com/nathenharvey/introduction-to-chef-fosdem-2013 - 12
http://www.slideshare.net/jonlives/michelin-starred-cooking-with-chef - 11
http://bit.ly/O6UPdK - 1
https://github.com/jenkinsci/job-dsl-plugin - 1
http://j.mp/MBXxSd - 1
Related tags
opschef - 91velocityconf - 52
fosdem - 35
devops - 21
jenkinsci - 3
linux - 2
OpenStack - 2
Data - 1
PureCSS - 1
Hadoop - 1