Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
According to @ThibArg JS is all pros and pros #jse2012 #4dsummit
— Josh Fletcher (@jfletcher4d)2012-10-26 12:17:12
JS performance normalizing across browsers #goodsign #jse2012 #4DSummit
— Josh Fletcher (@jfletcher4d)2012-10-26 12:15:39
The full #javascript stack for business apps #JSe2012 http://t.co/0gjFxSur
— Gilles Danjou (@Gilles_Danjou)2012-10-26 12:14:21
@thibarg and @chinshr on stage! http://t.co/jpkOqFyC #jse2012 #4DSummit
— Josh (@Bigtuna00)2012-10-26 12:12:20
RT @DainialPadraig: Firefox marketplace is now available for Android on Firefox Aurora. Interesting. #jse2012
— Trevor Lalish_Menagh (@trevmex)2012-10-26 12:09:33
I really like the app work mozilla is doing #jse2012
— Morten Nielsen (@morten_ni)2012-10-26 12:06:38
"Be native, not tourist", says Mozilla's @wmwalker as in developing native apps using strict HTML5. #jse2012
— Quim Gil (@quimgil)2012-10-26 12:04:37
Firefox marketplace is now available for Android on Firefox Aurora. Interesting. #jse2012
— Dan Stormont (@DainialPadraig)2012-10-26 12:03:17
RT @getify: #jse2012 I will be talking at 11am on "Browser Versions Are Dead". Hope you'll join us. We're going to rethink our industry. :)
— Lisa Sheeran (@Lisasheeran)2012-10-26 12:02:49
RT @SubmittedDenied: Mozilla apps. Bringing jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap to "native" applications. #jse2012
— Lisa Sheeran (@Lisasheeran)2012-10-26 12:02:36
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
JSeverywhere - 80WakandaJA - 56
TOUKO_Tech - 55
GPRPichot - 53
olivierd4d - 43
madamov - 35
DamFuzInfo - 35
amorgaut - 26
OliviaHalimi - 21
lyle - 20
Most shared links
http://www.slideshare.net/lvca/a-new-collaborative-way-to-develop-internet-apps-powered-by-nosql-and-javascript - 10http://t.co/ - 7
http://www.slideshare.net/domenicdenicola/javascript-on-the-desktop - 6
http://bit.ly/10HJc0X - 6
http://bit.ly/WJd9NV - 5
http://ideance.net/publications/live-regions/explications.html - 5
http://goo.gl/wGEby - 5
http://graphicpeel.com/cssiosicons - 4
http://eventifier.co/event/jse2012 - 4
http://www.slideshare.net/BoydleePollentine1/sociallita-keynotetemplate - 4
Related tags
Jse2012 - 894wakanda - 52
4DSummit - 43
JavaScript - 42
NoSQL - 22
Wakanday - 19
AWS - 15
orientdb - 12
JSeverywhere - 11
mongodb - 9