Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @tedgreenwald: Marc Andreesen: "back when pivots were still called fuckups" #leanstartup
— Conference Bites (@ConferenceBites)2012-12-04 00:09:45
RT @ericries: "Vanity metrics are accurate but irrelevant" - Ivory Madison #leanstartup
— Makoto Tano (@MakoTano)2012-12-04 00:09:36
RT @kotokoto: 「Lean Startup手法を導入しているスタートアップで犯しがちな間違いは、営業部門やマーケ部門を軽視しがちなこと。現にGoogle、FB、Twitterは大きな営業チームを持つ」by マーク・アンドリーセン #LeanStartup
— Makoto Tano (@MakoTano)2012-12-04 00:09:27
RT @LUXrco: lean startup methodologies are not an excuse to take sales and marketing seriously #leanstartup
— Makoto Tano (@MakoTano)2012-12-04 00:09:15
RT @KentBeck: Interesting how many non tech folks there are at #LeanStartup & how much more they smile than geeks
— Marceau Boulenger (@marso2604)2012-12-04 00:09:07
RT @DEVOPS_BORAT: If you are do actual work more of 2 hour in day you are do it wrong. #leanstartup
— william ocana (@willocana)2012-12-04 00:09:04
RT @davidjbland: Crossed the Chasm so #leanstartup doesn't apply to you? Think again, stop by our workshop tomorrow morning.
— Kevin Dewalt (@kevindewalt)2012-12-04 00:08:16
RT @MJ_Coren: @davidjbland s&p 500 has shortest lifespan in recorded history: 15 years #leanstartup
— David J Bland (@davidjbland)2012-12-04 00:07:49
RT @DEVOPS_BORAT: If you are do actual work more of 2 hour in day you are do it wrong. #leanstartup
— gitai (@gitai_z)2012-12-04 00:07:42
RT @labusque: My slides from the #leanstartup conference: If you had $1 to spend in marketing, where should you put it? http://t.co/6D1kP0HR
— 김병환 Byunghwan Kim (@kaidomo)2012-12-04 00:07:07
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
leanstartup - 1245LeanStartStream - 1227
startups_rt - 653
natwar86 - 629
Trep_Ed - 610
Equitylancer - 605
davidjbland - 594
yoemprendo - 440
ericries - 410
BrandBizy - 403
Most shared links
http://www.brandbizy.com - 1125http://bit.ly/xwGsBL - 758
http://tinyurl.com/adwo482 - 225
http://goo.gl/RSEyn - 208
http://goo.gl/S2f1t4 - 204
http://bit.ly/NCbRQM - 175
http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYh4THTDg5FqcWqMMIvONagRzQpOY9Lg7 - 152
http://leancanvas.com - 118
http://bit.ly/custdevint_infographic - 110
http://a.eoi.es/eoilive - 94
Related tags
leanstartup - 86119startup - 7562
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Innovation - 1329