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Great talk between Marc Andreessen and Eric Ries at the end of day 1 of Lean Startup Conf #leanstartup.
— sfattahi (@sfattahi)2012-12-03 22:56:14
#leanstartup swag http://t.co/uJjGVXy2
— Ryan Guest (@ryanguest)2012-12-03 22:56:03
Thank you Marc Andreessen @pmarca Not every startup should be a Lean Startup or embrace the pivot. https://t.co/XNbaJRYm #leanstartup #pivot
— Rafael Solis (@rafaelsolis)2012-12-03 22:55:44
RT @mikeferrr: The #leanstartup event #detroit was incredible #bizdom @500yearplan loved it too. #furbr
— Brian R. F. Davis (@500yearplan)2012-12-03 22:55:41
RT @mgiorgetti: RT @tor: The History Of #LeanStartup http://t.co/edwLvsSX Superb write-up by @saintsal via @alexosterwalder
— altovarf (@altovarf)2012-12-03 22:53:49
RT @labusque: My slides from the #leanstartup conference: If you had $1 to spend in marketing, where should you put it? http://t.co/6D1kP0HR
— Sebastian Heit (@Chardot)2012-12-03 22:53:30
RT @prtini: RT @Keidson: Andreessen's pet peeve: Entrepreneurs using #leanstartup as excuse to put off sales+marketing. Products don't s ...
— Leah B. (@CircleCityStyle)2012-12-03 22:53:18
@skinnyjeans It's @drewhouston CEO @Dropbox speaking at #LeanStartup. He presents warm & personable. <<looks like fun!> http://t.co/WdSxCw5P
— ElizabethHannan (@elizabethhannan)2012-12-03 22:51:31
I had a great time and learned a ton today at the #LeanStartup Conference. Thanks @XcellentTea for mentioning @kodable
— Grechen Noelle (@GrechenNoelle)2012-12-03 22:51:26
The worst part of #LeanStartup now is deciding which workshops/tours to go tomorrow. So many great choices!
— Arin Sime (@ArinSime)2012-12-03 22:51:08
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