Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @IntuitInc: Principle 4: Leaders Live by the same rules themselves #leanstartup
— Brenda Bryant (@BBlessed32)2012-12-03 21:20:53
@michkimble Thnx & gr8 job w/ #leanstartup video stream! Group of us started at 4am to watch from Melbourne, Australia http://t.co/I3q0nSQ6
— Steven Wright (@regularsteven)2012-12-03 21:20:29
RT @botchagalupe: Instagram #leanstartup was part of there success model #velocityconf
— Chris Sinchok (@chrissinchok)2012-10-03 10:42:59
Instagram #leanstartup was part of there success model #velocityconf
— botchagalupe (@botchagalupe)2012-10-03 09:41:21
50 links para os slides das Palestras do #AgileBr - http://t.co/fioqoxyS via @agilebrazil #TI #desenvolvimento #agile #leanstartup
— Nei Grando (@neigrando)2012-09-20 08:36:15
@gis_finck a palestra usada está aqui: http://t.co/YYhzLg1u #mvp #leanstartup #agilebr
— Daniel Wildt (@dwildt)2012-09-19 14:51:52
@lazarofl a palestra sobre #mvp e #leanstartup do #agilebr esta aqui! http://t.co/qbE8BOhw -- vou publicar ela e mais links no blog.
— Daniel Wildt (@dwildt)2012-09-08 14:29:43
RT @dwildt: \o/ Slides do workshop sobre #mvp e #leanstartup do #agilebr, onde fizemos um #startupdojo http://t.co/ZdiDn93W
— Fábio aGuiaR (@fabyogr)2012-09-07 18:09:09
RT @dwildt: \o/ Slides do workshop sobre #mvp e #leanstartup do #agilebr, onde fizemos um #startupdojo http://t.co/ZdiDn93W
— Rafael Camargo (@rafajagua)2012-09-07 16:48:19
\o/ Slides do workshop sobre #mvp e #leanstartup do #agilebr, onde fizemos um #startupdojo http://t.co/ZdiDn93W
— Daniel Wildt (@dwildt)2012-09-07 16:30:06
What can we gather from the tweets?
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