Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @boedie: Last review of #fiddler talk for #jse2012. Great free tool to troubleshoot web site problems. Eye opening view of how your ...
— JS.everywhere(2012) (@JSeverywhere)2012-10-23 23:02:57
A few hours left to use the promo codes for JS.everywhere(2012)! Don't miss out on the incredible savings! http://t.co/0c21QBgk #jse2012
— JS.everywhere(2012) (@JSeverywhere)2012-10-23 23:01:43
RT @boedie: Last review of #fiddler talk for #jse2012. Great free tool to troubleshoot web site problems. Eye opening view of how your ...
— Devon Greene (@SlyDGotcha)2012-10-23 22:52:13
Last review of #fiddler talk for #jse2012. Great free tool to troubleshoot web site problems. Eye opening view of how your web site works
— Robert Boedigheimer (@boedie)2012-10-23 22:48:31
Last French dinner before the flight to the silicon valley #jse2012 (@ La Strasbourgesoise) http://t.co/nGBfBxxE
— Alexandre Morgaut (@amorgaut)2012-10-23 16:31:29
RT @mongolab: Meeting #mongodb + JS users Fri/Sat at @JSeverywhere http://t.co/keGekWHD psyched to be sponsoring #JSe2012. Discount co ...
— JS.everywhere(2012) (@JSeverywhere)2012-10-23 15:42:07
Meeting #mongodb + JS users Fri/Sat at @JSeverywhere http://t.co/keGekWHD psyched to be sponsoring #JSe2012. Discount code expires today!
— MongoLab (@mongolab)2012-10-23 15:11:45
Today is the LAST DAY to use promotional codes! If you have one, use it now before its gone! http://t.co/0c21QBgk #jse2012 #jseverywhere
— JS.everywhere(2012) (@JSeverywhere)2012-10-23 12:02:02
Getting ready for JS.everywhere(2012). Here is a sign that everyone will be looking for on Friday night! #jse2012 http://t.co/SIqK37E7
— JS.everywhere(2012) (@JSeverywhere)2012-10-22 22:45:06
4 days left til the big day! Do you have your schedule planned out? Plan early, http://t.co/TVffRQea #jse2012 #JavaScript #JSeverywhere
— JS.everywhere(2012) (@JSeverywhere)2012-10-22 21:23:57
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
JSeverywhere - 80WakandaJA - 56
TOUKO_Tech - 55
GPRPichot - 53
olivierd4d - 43
madamov - 35
DamFuzInfo - 35
amorgaut - 26
OliviaHalimi - 21
lyle - 20
Most shared links
http://www.slideshare.net/lvca/a-new-collaborative-way-to-develop-internet-apps-powered-by-nosql-and-javascript - 10http://t.co/ - 7
http://www.slideshare.net/domenicdenicola/javascript-on-the-desktop - 6
http://bit.ly/10HJc0X - 6
http://bit.ly/WJd9NV - 5
http://ideance.net/publications/live-regions/explications.html - 5
http://goo.gl/wGEby - 5
http://graphicpeel.com/cssiosicons - 4
http://eventifier.co/event/jse2012 - 4
http://www.slideshare.net/BoydleePollentine1/sociallita-keynotetemplate - 4
Related tags
Jse2012 - 894wakanda - 52
4DSummit - 43
JavaScript - 42
NoSQL - 22
Wakanday - 19
AWS - 15
orientdb - 12
JSeverywhere - 11
mongodb - 9