Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Join me at the @TECHOREGON booth at #pnsqc
— An Doan (@doan_an)2012-10-08 13:17:28
Started taking notes to retweet during @mheusser 's #PNSQC . Stopped, decided just listening was lots better. Good decision.
— Jim Holmes (@aJimHolmes)2012-10-08 12:59:37
RT @QualityFrog: If you want to do continuous improvement, you can't do Tayloristic standardization. - @mheusser #PNSQC
— Jim Holmes (@aJimHolmes)2012-10-08 12:58:52
RT @DocOnDev: "Americans write slightly worse than they draw. The difference is we know we can't draw." - @mheusser #pnsqc
— Jim Holmes (@aJimHolmes)2012-10-08 12:58:37
Actually having buttered scones for tea. #pnsqc #hesalumberjack
— Ian Dees (@undees)2012-10-08 12:56:33
When you ask mgr about trying an idea, u want credit when it goes right and him to take blame when it fails. @mheusser at #pnsqc
— Aashish Vaidya (@aashishvaidya)2012-10-08 12:45:00
heh. @mheusser just mentioned me @ #PNSQC Deeply honoured. #humbled
— Pete Walen (@PeteWalen)2012-10-08 12:43:56
Success breeds independence, so know your goals. @mheusser #pnsqc
— umckinney (@umckinney)2012-10-08 12:43:24
RT @PeteWalen: "I don't think you understand the culture here" and other problems improving quality @mheusser #PNSQC
— Michael Larsen (@mkltesthead)2012-10-08 12:37:48
Can't lower cost per transaction, but do more transactions and expect productivity to increase. @mheusser at #pnsqc
— Aashish Vaidya (@aashishvaidya)2012-10-08 12:34:21
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
moshjeier - 165umckinney - 64
PeteWalen - 57
mxmoss - 55
KwalityRules - 51
EdBrothers - 44
mkltesthead - 32
iesavage - 32
StevenJV - 30
mheusser - 29
Most shared links - 8 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3
Related tags
PNSQC - 984Agile - 30
testing - 16
AgilePDX - 15
qa - 15
ATONW - 14
quality - 11
PNSQC2013 - 10
ATOS12 - 8
TAOpdx - 8