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That Demming guy seems pretty smart #obvioustweet @mheusser #pnsqc
— umckinney (@umckinney)2012-10-08 12:30:28
Learned a new word today: genba (or gemba). "the scene of the crime", or the place of production. #PNSQC
— moss drake (@mxmoss)2012-10-08 12:27:56
RT @umckinney: Empowerment = trust. Let your team make mistakes and don't freak out about it by default. @mheusser #pnsqc
— Paul Littlebury (@jaffamonkey)2012-10-08 12:25:09
Come up with examples that have shared understandings, else you are just talking past each other. @mheusser at #pnsqc.
— Aashish Vaidya (@aashishvaidya)2012-10-08 12:25:00
Siloing of disciplines tends to result in dysfunctional teams steeped in blame. Break down barriers in roles. @mheusser #pnsqc
— umckinney (@umckinney)2012-10-08 12:24:51
RT @umckinney: Empowerment = trust. Let your team make mistakes and don't freak out about it by default. @mheusser #pnsqc
— Michael (Doc) Norton (@DocOnDev)2012-10-08 12:18:28
RT @umckinney: Empowerment = trust. Let your team make mistakes and don't freak out about it by default. @mheusser #pnsqc
— Ian E. Savage (@iesavage)2012-10-08 12:08:26
RT @umckinney: Empowerment = trust. Let your team make mistakes and don't freak out about it by default. @mheusser #pnsqc
— Pete Walen (@PeteWalen)2012-10-08 12:08:18
RT @mxmoss: Then Deming - quality is whatever the customer wants it to be. Read chapters 9, 10, 11 of "out of the crisis" #PNSQC
— Michael (Doc) Norton (@DocOnDev)2012-10-08 12:05:59
Empowerment = trust. Let your team make mistakes and don't freak out about it by default. @mheusser #pnsqc
— umckinney (@umckinney)2012-10-08 12:05:51
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
moshjeier - 165umckinney - 64
PeteWalen - 57
mxmoss - 55
KwalityRules - 51
EdBrothers - 44
mkltesthead - 32
iesavage - 32
StevenJV - 30
mheusser - 29
Most shared links - 8 - 6 - 5 - 5 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 4 - 3 - 3
Related tags
PNSQC - 984Agile - 30
testing - 16
AgilePDX - 15
qa - 15
ATONW - 14
quality - 11
PNSQC2013 - 10
ATOS12 - 8
TAOpdx - 8