Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
#365tees is a family business. Child #labour keeps the costs down. #leanstartup #alphatesting #tshirts http://t.co/IxXkVBhTDR
— 365tees.co (@365teesco)2013-12-27 19:45:08
RT @365teesco: Washing the first batch of alpha testing #tshirts. This is a #LeanStartup . #tshirt #365tees http://t.co/TZn3bglZEc
— Coffee,Running&Tech (@ozmarshall)2013-12-26 06:00:18
Washing the first batch of alpha testing #tshirts. This is a #LeanStartup . #tshirt #365tees http://t.co/TZn3bglZEc
— 365tees.co (@365teesco)2013-12-26 05:52:21
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
365teesco - 2ozmarshall - 1
Most shared links
http://instagram.com/p/ichaeLJFuN/ - 1Related tags
tshirts - 3LeanStartup - 3
365tees - 3
tshirt - 2
labour - 1
alphatesting - 1