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RT @FutureheadsUX: You need to accept that things might change on your project, and be able to roll with that. - @ultraman #uxpauk #agile20…
— Brandon McCartney (@bmccartney27)2013-09-23 13:02:21
RT @FutureheadsUX: You need to accept that things might change on your project, and be able to roll with that. - @ultraman #uxpauk #agile20…
— WhatUsersDo (@whatusersdo)2013-09-19 15:52:32
RT @hageyahhoo: Thx! @aclairefication: @hageyahhoo I have a list of more test visualization resources here: #Agile20…
— Cristina Lalley (@CMLalley)2013-08-25 12:19:41
RT @hageyahhoo: Thx! @aclairefication: @hageyahhoo I have a list of more test visualization resources here: #Agile20…
— lisacrispin (@lisacrispin)2013-08-25 12:03:03
RT @GaryPedretti: "Do painful things more often until less painful" mantra originally came from a Netflix DevOps guy. @RealGeneKim #Agile20…
— Carl Schrammel (@carlschrammel)2013-08-09 14:09:43
RT @GaryPedretti: "Do painful things more often until less painful" mantra originally came from a Netflix DevOps guy. @RealGeneKim #Agile20…
— John Grekso (@JohnGrekso)2013-08-09 12:53:47
RT @GaryPedretti: "Do painful things more often until less painful" mantra originally came from a Netflix DevOps guy. @RealGeneKim #Agile20…
— Chad Albrecht (@chadalbrecht)2013-08-09 12:46:59
RT @GaryPedretti: "Do painful things more often until less painful" mantra originally came from a Netflix DevOps guy. @RealGeneKim #Agile20…
— Chris Ammerman (@cammerman)2013-08-09 12:44:12
RT @tmccarley: Outcome success is a measures of how users use the system not the performance of the system. @ryanshriver #o-model #agile20…
— ReleaseTEAMInc (@ReleaseTEAMInc)2013-08-09 10:23:14
RT @nhajratw: Set up conference room for my talk using a large batching method. Ended up wasting time and having excess inventory! #agile20…
— ReleaseTEAMInc (@ReleaseTEAMInc)2013-08-09 09:49:14
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