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“@omphe: "Don't optimise for developers happiness, optimise for everyone's happiness" -- @kastner #velocityconf” #AntimatterPrinciple
— Bob Marshall (@flowchainsensei)2013-11-15 07:59:31
@kastner nice talk re company culture. You may find that this chimes with "Care". #AntimatterPrinciple #velocityconf
— Stuart Rimell (@Smrimell)2013-11-15 06:53:56
RT @drunkcod: "Change to just make it stop is an act of self-sabotage, hinders creativity" #oredev #AntimatterPrinciple #nvc
— Marc Johnson (@marcjohnson)2013-11-06 03:46:43
"Change to just make it stop is an act of self-sabotage, hinders creativity" #oredev #AntimatterPrinciple #nvc
— Torbjörn Gyllebring (@drunkcod)2013-11-06 03:31:04
@neil_killick I think #devops #LeanStartup #AntimatterPrinciple and #continuousdelivery are good at making that clear @NativeWired
— wes williams (@weswilliamz)2013-10-21 00:22:39
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Smrimell - 1weswilliamz - 1
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AntimatterPrinciple - 5oredev - 2
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velocityconf - 2
devops - 1
LeanStartup - 1
continuousdelivery - 1