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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @flyplyst: RT @wyclef: To find what is important, get rid of what is unnecessary #AprilShowers #Startup #LeanStartup #Shutdown #Business
— Scott Boston (@scottflyplyst)2013-10-16 16:22:31
RT @flyplyst: RT @wyclef: To find what is important, get rid of what is unnecessary #AprilShowers #Startup #LeanStartup #Shutdown #Business
— Startups Retweeter (@startups_rt)2013-10-16 12:40:56
RT @wyclef: To find what is important, get rid of what is unnecessary #AprilShowers #Startup #LeanStartup #Shutdown #Business
— Flyplyst (@flyplyst)2013-10-16 12:40:02
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flyplyst - 1startups_rt - 1
scottflyplyst - 1
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Business - 3AprilShowers - 3
Startup - 3
LeanStartup - 3
Shutdown - 3