Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @jaffa2: Twitter feed's full of people at #FOSDEM or going to #BBJam. Somewhat envious...
— Nick (@frals)2013-02-04 01:07:53
@jaffa2 #FOSDEM today, #BBJam after tmrw ;-)
— Jaroslav Reznik (@RezzaBuh)2013-02-03 11:13:50
Twitter feed's full of people at #FOSDEM or going to #BBJam. Somewhat envious...
— Andrew Flegg (@jaffa2)2013-02-03 09:45:03
Driving down to London to setup the @MozLDN space with @nuxnix for #TiAppCamp tomorrow. Bags packed for #BBJam Europe straight after!
— Ketan Majmudar (@ketan)2013-02-01 06:07:44
On the way to #fosdem and #bbjam with @xmlich02 #fedora
— Jaroslav Reznik (@RezzaBuh)2013-02-01 02:38:45
Any #TiLon #TiDevs fancy a ticket to #BBJam Europe in Amsterdam next week (5-6)? #tiappcamp
— London Titanium (@LondonTitanium)2013-01-29 12:38:46