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The #erlang VM would make demos much smoother if it punched holes through firewalls like Skype. #codemash
— Eric Lathrop (@ericlathrop)2014-01-08 15:07:08
Really neat to write a stack-server in #elixirlang after writing one in #erlang at @ErlangCamp a few months ago. #codemash @cromwellryan
— Eric Lathrop (@ericlathrop)2014-01-08 12:18:44
Passei a respeitar mais o WhatsApp depois de descobrir que ele aceita 2 milhões de conexões em APENAS um nó! #rubyconfbr #elixir #erlang
— Willian Fernandes (@willian)2013-08-30 09:47:08
"60% of telephone traffic goes through #erlang" @bryan_hunter "98% of telephone traffic goes through the #NSA" me, just now. #codemash
— Ryan Cromwell (@cromwellryan)2013-07-12 09:01:54
. @mikebaz then we should cajole @bryan_hunter to submit some talks for it! #codemash #erlang
— Michael Falanga (@mfalanga)2013-05-17 18:58:09
RT @notarianni: Je suis dispo pour un BBL sur Paris à l'occasion :-) #agile #startup #leanstartup #erlang
— Eric Mignot (@EricMinio)2013-02-15 16:11:32
RT @notarianni: Je suis dispo pour un BBL sur Paris à l'occasion :-) #agile #startup #leanstartup #erlang
— François Sarradin (@fsarradin)2013-02-15 11:21:45
RT @notarianni: Je suis dispo pour un BBL sur Paris à l'occasion :-) #agile #startup #leanstartup #erlang
— Nathaniel Richand (@nrichand)2013-02-15 11:16:48
Je suis dispo pour un BBL sur Paris à l'occasion :-) #agile #startup #leanstartup #erlang
— Bernard Notarianni (@notarianni)2013-02-15 08:47:55
#CPRecife As próximas cinco linguagens para você aprender e por que ? Linguagens #PYTHON #JAVA #SCALA #ERLANG #JAVASCRIPT #DART #C
— Danilosoba (@danilosoba)2012-07-31 20:31:59
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
ericlathrop - 2fsarradin - 1
willian - 1
danilosoba - 1
EricMinio - 1
notarianni - 1
mfalanga - 1
nrichand - 1
cromwellryan - 1
Most shared links - 4Related tags
ERLANG - 10startup - 4
leanstartup - 4
codemash - 4
agile - 4
rubyconfbr - 1
CPRecife - 1
elixir - 1