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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @bi2green: Excelente vehículo sustentable @LitMotors #LeanStartup #EcoLike
— Jardines de México (@jardinesdemex)2012-12-06 10:15:44
RT @gneuman: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Aradi Orozco (@araorozco)2012-12-05 20:09:35
RT @gneuman: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Teknobuilding (@Teknobuilding)2012-12-05 19:59:45
RT @gneuman: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Bi2Green (@bi2green)2012-12-05 19:59:36
RT @gneuman: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— David Montiel (@david_montiel)2012-12-05 11:11:34
Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Gabriel Neuman (@gneuman)2012-12-05 11:10:13
RT @bi2green: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Teknobuilding (@Teknobuilding)2012-12-04 08:39:49
RT @bi2green: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Pulso Pyme (@PulsoPymeMx)2012-12-04 08:39:46
RT @bi2green: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— Gabriel Neuman (@gneuman)2012-12-04 08:39:44
RT @bi2green: Saving energy has the same principles than #LeanStartup #EcoLike 1) #Measure, 2) #Analyze 3) #Control.
— David Montiel (@david_montiel)2012-12-04 08:37:39
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
bi2green - 2Teknobuilding - 2
david_montiel - 2
gneuman - 2
PulsoPymeMx - 1
araorozco - 1
jardinesdemex - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
LeanStartup - 11EcoLike - 11
Control - 10
Measure - 10
Analyze - 10