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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @ModusCreate: Check out #SenchaCon 2013 Recap from Modus Create including #Fastbook, #SenchaSpace and #Architect
— Florent Lamoureux (@flrent)2013-07-30 14:38:03
RT @ModusCreate: Check out #SenchaCon 2013 Recap from Modus Create including #Fastbook, #SenchaSpace and #Architect
— Jay Garcia (@ModusJesus)2013-07-30 14:30:17
RT @ModusCreate: Check out #SenchaCon 2013 Recap from Modus Create including #Fastbook, #SenchaSpace and #Architect
— Maximiliano Fierro (@elmasse)2013-07-30 14:27:36
Check out #SenchaCon 2013 Recap from Modus Create including #Fastbook, #SenchaSpace and #Architect
— Modus Create, Inc. (@ModusCreate)2013-07-30 14:26:06
Two of the best #senchacon sessions met at the same time... I went to #fastbook in person and can't wait to watch #moonslice online :-)
— Vote 539 (@vote539)2013-07-18 16:12:32
Finished both my sessions, thanks everyone for the positive feedbacks. #senchacon #sencha #fastbook
— Jacky Nguyen (@nktpro)2013-07-18 13:35:45
#SenchaCon #fastbook Jacky rekindled my love for #iframe, to be abstracted in a future #senchatouch as Ext.Sandbox
— Rouslan Zenetl (@rzenetl)2013-07-18 11:45:31
that was a damn good presentation. best one so far #senchacon #fastbook
— Rowell Belen (@rowellbelen)2013-07-18 11:28:36
Wow! Sandboxing and infinite lists! Can't wait to play with the lists. Tons of uses!#senchacon #fastbook
— Wesley B. Riley (@rileywesley)2013-07-18 11:27:12
nice learning session! #senchacon #fastbook
— Rich Arg (@richarg)2013-07-18 11:20:52
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
rzenetl - 2nktpro - 1
SysErr - 1
ModusJesus - 1
richarg - 1
josephagunbiade - 1
vote539 - 1
SenchaCon - 1
flrent - 1
rileywesley - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
senchacon - 17fastbook - 17
SenchaSpace - 4
Architect - 4
sencha - 1
moonslice - 1
iframe - 1
senchatouch - 1