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RT @manuelvallejos: validar NO es un hito #LeanStartup #bombacamp #HomeLeanStartup http://t.co/RDQ36yWuzf
— Cristian Santana (@cristiansantana)2013-08-28 15:46:29
validar NO es un hito #LeanStartup #bombacamp #HomeLeanStartup http://t.co/RDQ36yWuzf
— Manuel Vallejos (@manuelvallejos)2013-08-28 15:20:57
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manuelvallejos - 1cristiansantana - 1
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http://instagram.com/p/dkYDpgKQBz/ - 2Related tags
LeanStartup - 2bombacamp - 2
HomeLeanStartup - 2