Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @IP_v6: #IPv6 repost #Pavel Simerda explains on #fosdem #networkmanager is best AND promises major improvements on #IPv... http://t. ...
— Pirate Party Italy (@partitopirata)2013-02-03 06:37:12
#IPv6 repost #Pavel Simerda explains on #fosdem #networkmanager is best AND promises major improvements on #IPv... http://t.co/3OTp1OgZ
— IPv6 Reposter (@IP_v6)2013-02-03 06:22:50
#Pavel Simerda explains on #fosdem #networkmanager is best AND promises major improvements on #IPv6, ifaces, scripts, #wimax and more
— Victor Klos (@victorklos)2013-02-03 05:45:58
#IPv6 repost RT @RatZillaS: Le #FOSDEM un vrai terrain d'expérimentation de l'#IPv6 http://t.co/ypvAPsTw: RT @Ra... http://t.co/1Cflngtk
— IPv6 Reposter (@IP_v6)2013-02-02 16:16:44
RT @RatZillaS: Le #FOSDEM un vrai terrain d'expérimentation de l'#IPv6 http://t.co/mlnEobxz
— Alfonso Crisci (@alf_crisci)2013-02-02 16:04:19
#IPv6 repost @RatZillaS une adresse en cafe! \o/ #FOSDEM #IPv6: @RatZillaS une adresse en cafe! \o/ #FOSDEM #IPv6 http://t.co/3tv4Ytxs
— IPv6 Reposter (@IP_v6)2013-02-02 15:09:05
@RatZillaS une adresse en cafe! \o/ #FOSDEM #IPv6
— Wxcafé (@Wxcafe)2013-02-02 14:43:54
#IPv6 repost Le #FOSDEM un vrai terrain d'expérimentation de l'#IPv6 http://t.co/ypvAPsTw: Le #FOSDEM un vrai te... http://t.co/oqe9J9Xa
— IPv6 Reposter (@IP_v6)2013-02-02 14:34:35
Le #FOSDEM un vrai terrain d'expérimentation de l'#IPv6 http://t.co/mlnEobxz
— Gael MUSQUET (@RatZillaS)2013-02-02 14:30:56
RT @IP_v6: #IPv6 repost RT @mherrb: #fosdem "of course we provide #IPv6, and we also provide legacy connectivty": http://t.co/LalDrZJJ
— Pirate Party Italy (@partitopirata)2013-02-02 12:59:02
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
IP_v6 - 9partitopirata - 2
mherrb - 1
victorklos - 1
lhirlimann - 1
DynInc - 1
RatZillaS - 1
benoitc - 1
carlosralli - 1
metric_1 - 1
Most shared links
http://bit.ly/WbNriz - 2http://bit.ly/11xJ6qw - 1
http://bit.ly/WMImyy - 1
http://buff.ly/Lv7Mfe - 1
http://bit.ly/WbNsTI - 1
http://bit.ly/WL0n09 - 1
http://bit.ly/WdQirj - 1
http://lockerz.com/s/223328056 - 1
http://bit.ly/Tpyx9M - 1
http://bit.ly/WdJiuz - 1
Related tags
IPv6 - 24fosdem - 21
Pavel - 3
networkmanager - 3
IPv - 2
DNS - 2
TDC2012 - 1
velocityconf - 1
Android - 1
wimax - 1