Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @TriKro: "It isn't 'stab in the dark,' it's 'stab in the dark and listen for screams.'" @acroll #LeanStartup #leananalytics
— Matt Moeser (@DemonTech)2013-12-11 21:55:31
RT @TriKro: "It isn't 'stab in the dark,' it's 'stab in the dark and listen for screams.'" @acroll #LeanStartup #leananalytics
— Alistair Croll (@acroll)2013-12-11 21:52:10
"Its your job to change outcomes, not to prove you are clever." Best 3hr chunk of the week @acroll #leanstartup #leananalytics #intrapreneur
— molly park (@iammollypark)2013-12-11 21:00:10
RT @TriKro: "It isn't 'stab in the dark,' it's 'stab in the dark and listen for screams.'" @acroll #LeanStartup #leananalytics
— David J Bland (@davidjbland)2013-12-11 20:26:46
RT @TriKro: "It isn't 'stab in the dark,' it's 'stab in the dark and listen for screams.'" @acroll #LeanStartup #leananalytics
— skulls (@misterskulls)2013-12-11 19:56:13
RT @TriKro: "It isn't 'stab in the dark,' it's 'stab in the dark and listen for screams.'" @acroll #LeanStartup #leananalytics
— Peter Shanley (@PeterShanley)2013-12-11 19:46:27
Completing my lean journey in SF this week with @acroll #leananalytics workshop. Awesome! #LeanStartup
— Jay (@Eagerton)2013-12-11 17:37:02
@AKGold11 vanity might help change behavior. But it's false hope. Better to show actionable metrics #LeanStartup #leananalytics
— Ramli John (@RamliJohn)2013-12-09 12:49:56
Conversion Rate: Definition (as used in UX, usability, e-commerce, and web analytics) - http://t.co/jKBMi3wJK4 #leanstartup #leananalytics
— Tendayi Viki (@tendayiviki)2013-11-25 07:03:59
Reading a great Book #leananalytics by @acroll @byosko #LeanStartup http://t.co/Nhx5gKn9ur
— Mubarak ALSuwaidi (@SuwaidiMubarak)2013-11-25 00:39:39
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
davidhawdale - 9geckoboard - 6
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LeanStartupHyd - 4
forqcom - 4
OReillyWebcasts - 4
acroll - 3
Choco_Yuli - 3
Most shared links
http://www.instigatorblog.com/6-things-to-pivot/2013/01/27/ - 22http://bit.ly/15KWjil - 17
http://leananalyticsbook.com/the-7-myths-of-lean-and-how-analytics-can-help/ - 5
http://blog.asmartbear.com/lean-pivot.html - 3
http://oreil.ly/13znZG8 - 3
http://slidesha.re/158b0jo - 2
http://instagram.com/p/YRPjS6gLia/ - 2
http://leananalyticsbook.com - 2
http://ow.ly/kDATv - 2
http://oreil.ly/15QXhM8 - 2
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LeanAnalytics - 201LeanStartup - 198
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lean - 8
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