Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @saugustine: All successful pitches are essentially stories. #leannyc #LeanStartup
— Andrea Luxenberg (@AndreaLuxVT)2013-07-14 16:49:21
All successful pitches are essentially stories. #leannyc #LeanStartup
— Sanjiv Augustine (@saugustine)2013-07-14 10:47:42
.@adamcarv 3 #MVP pitch rules:"have a compelling vision,ensure that it's possible & have them walk through the door" #leannyc #LeanStartup
— Ariba Jahan (@Ariba_J)2013-07-13 14:04:39
Day 2 kicking off at #leannyc. Ready to #GOOB #LeanStartup http://t.co/akM6zBrX48
— Sanjiv Augustine (@saugustine)2013-07-13 09:52:29
Innovate through experimentation. #leannyc #LeanStartup
— Sanjiv Augustine (@saugustine)2013-07-12 21:55:56
Productive, intense weekend @Lean #leanNYC this past weekend. Build, measure, learn: https://t.co/5CgKuzcZTz #leanstartup
— adam good (@adamdeangood)2013-04-16 11:33:50
A Validation board example in #alleynyc #leanstartup #leanstartupmachine #nyc #leannyc http://t.co/ZdrL5tUkv0
— Helga Alvarez (@helguita)2013-04-14 17:01:38
#sleep is clearly not the best use of the Minimum Viable Product mindset #LeanStartup #LeanNYC @ericries
— Andy Hagerman (@andrewhagerman)2013-02-26 08:16:51
RT @nagda: Final pitches for #LeanNYC underway- the largest @lean workshop in New York ever #leanstartup http://t.co/BMtdK5mnBT
— Ariba Jahan (@Ariba_J)2013-02-24 17:14:27
RT @nagda: Final pitches for #LeanNYC underway- the largest @lean workshop in New York ever #leanstartup http://t.co/BMtdK5mnBT
— Shaun Springer (@Shaun_Springer)2013-02-24 16:36:05
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
saugustine - 3Ariba_J - 3
IrenePylypenko - 2
nagda - 1
adamdeangood - 1
uxceo - 1
Shaun_Springer - 1
andrewhagerman - 1
AndreaLuxVT - 1
helguita - 1
Most shared links
https://adamdgood.squarespace.com/changer/2013/4/15/lean-startup-machine-nyc-april-12-14-2013 - 1Related tags
LeanStartup - 15LeanNYC - 15
GalsInTech - 2
alleynyc - 1
leanstartupmachine - 1
nyc - 1
GOOB - 1
sleep - 1
MVP - 1