Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @OlafLewitz: If you like my thinking & want to support my writing, I invite you to buy my book #LeanProcrastination:-) #Agile2013 https:…
— ProcrastinationCoach (@ProProCoach)2013-08-09 19:51:39
RT @OlafLewitz: If you like my thinking and want to support my writing, I invite u to buy my book #LeanProcrastination:-) #Agile2013 https:…
— Olaf Lewitz (@Trustartist)2013-08-09 17:18:09
@OlafLewitz I'm suing! :) https://t.co/rFnY2zwE82 #LeanProcrastination #Agile2013
— Dan North (@tastapod)2013-08-09 15:06:43
If you like my thinking & want to support my writing, I invite you to buy my book #LeanProcrastination:-) #Agile2013 https://t.co/Asdk3HHIpb
— Olaf Lewitz (@OlafLewitz)2013-08-09 15:01:56
RT @OlafLewitz: If you like my thinking and want to support my writing, I invite u to buy my book #LeanProcrastination:-) #Agile2013 https:…
— Ionel Daniel Condor (@ionel_condor)2013-08-09 11:00:39
RT @OlafLewitz: If you like my thinking and want to support my writing, I invite u to buy my book #LeanProcrastination:-) #Agile2013 https:…
— ProcrastinationCoach (@ProProCoach)2013-08-09 10:57:33
If you like my thinking and want to support my writing, I invite u to buy my book #LeanProcrastination:-) #Agile2013 https://t.co/Asdk3HHIpb
— Olaf Lewitz (@OlafLewitz)2013-08-09 10:03:29
@edschweppe great! it’s a reunion! 6 people from my prior two years will be there. I’m @ Hotel Andaluz til Mon #ayeconf #leanprocrastination
— Andrea Chiou (@andreachiou)2012-11-03 12:38:02
RT @OlafLewitz: I'm thinking about turning #LeanProcrastination into a book… What do you think? http://t.co/DRVAu9xH #Agile2012 Add your ...
— Stephan Schwab (@snscaimito)2012-08-17 03:40:53
RT @OlafLewitz: I'm thinking about turning #LeanProcrastination into a book… What do you think? http://t.co/DRVAu9xH #Agile2012 Add your ...
— ProcrastinationCoach (@ProProCoach)2012-08-17 02:22:22
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
OlafLewitz - 6ProProCoach - 6
andreachiou - 2
Trustartist - 1
Gmfdsr - 1
snscaimito - 1
pweiderholm - 1
ionel_condor - 1
mccarthyjim1 - 1
lgdean - 1
Most shared links
http://leanprocrastination.com/blog/2012/08/real-options-a-mindset/ - 8http://bit.ly/TI8rvH - 3
http://t.co/1pbtl - 2
https://leanpub.com/leanprocrastination - 2
http://bit.ly/NqGQvM - 1
https://leanpub.com/procrastodoro - 1
Related tags
leanprocrastination - 22Agile2012 - 14
Agile2013 - 7
uncertainty - 4
SFAgile2012 - 3
Betterness - 3
complexity - 1
transition - 1
RealOptions - 1
ayeconf - 1