Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @Coach_Colette: Let's help #LeanSydney winner make @pixcapp go viral! https://t.co/83Q5fXCtpT #LeanStartup cc @Lean @joymachelle
— Christie Sharpe (@Christie_Sharpe)2013-04-24 22:02:28
RT @Coach_Colette: Let's help #LeanSydney winner make @pixcapp go viral! https://t.co/83Q5fXCtpT #LeanStartup cc @Lean @joymachelle
— Pixc (@pixcapp)2013-04-23 20:57:36
RT @Coach_Colette: Let's help #LeanSydney winner make @pixcapp go viral! https://t.co/83Q5fXCtpT #LeanStartup cc @Lean @joymachelle
— Holly Cardew (@hollyameliac)2013-04-23 19:48:28
Let's help #LeanSydney winner make @pixcapp go viral! https://t.co/83Q5fXCtpT #LeanStartup cc @Lean @joymachelle
— Colette Ellis (@Coach_Colette)2013-04-23 19:14:36
@to2 @matt_tati @ericries ... Thanks Trevor. Come on Eric, just waiting for your validation now ;) #LeanSydney #LeanStartup
— Rebecca Lim (@RebeccaLim)2013-04-20 20:53:56
RT @matt_tati: Sage advice for new biz RT @sebeckmas: #leansydney identify the three customers: 1. Target 2. Scale 3. Strategic cc @LeanSyd…
— Lean Sydney (@LeanSydney)2013-04-20 20:26:50
Sage advice for new biz RT @sebeckmas: #leansydney identify the three customers: 1. Target 2. Scale 3. Strategic cc @LeanSydney #leanStartup
— Matthew Tati (@matt_tati)2013-04-20 19:08:57
RT @LeanSydney: #Lean learning from @sebeckmas identify the three customers: 1. Target 2. Scale 3. Strategic #leansydney #leanStartup http:…
— Seb Eckersley-Maslin (@sebeckmas)2013-04-20 09:50:09
RT @LeanSydney: #Lean learning from @sebeckmas identify the three customers: 1. Target 2. Scale 3. Strategic #leansydney #leanStartup http:…
— Sprofila (@Sprofila)2013-04-20 09:43:53
#Lean learning from @sebeckmas identify the three customers: 1. Target 2. Scale 3. Strategic #leansydney #leanStartup http://t.co/lytA9FwPPT
— Lean Sydney (@LeanSydney)2013-04-20 08:50:45
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
LeanSydney - 4Coach_Colette - 3
sebeckmas - 2
BlueChilliGroup - 2
hollyameliac - 1
Lean_Tokyo - 1
Sprofila - 1
KeithKeller - 1
pixcapp - 1
matt_tati - 1
Most shared links
https://www.airtasker.com/tasks/help-my-tech-startup-page-go-viral-if-possible - 4http://bit.ly/LeanSydney - 1
http://buff.ly/156x0Lt - 1
Related tags
LeanSydney - 20LeanStartUp - 19
Lean - 4
lsm - 4
startupAUS - 1
StartUp - 1
Sydney - 1