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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @GraphDevroom: Best Practices for Publishing #LinkedData - #W3C Working Group Note (20140109 ) #graphdb #fosdem #…
— Achim Friedland (@ahzf)2014-01-12 20:50:53
Best Practices for Publishing #LinkedData - #W3C Working Group Note (20140109 ) #graphdb #fosdem #SemWeb
— GraphDevroom (@GraphDevroom)2014-01-12 17:34:04
heard 1st mention of #linkeddata & #semweb at #fosdem (in a q) - most people in the room knew what it was ab well enough to have an opinion
— Laura Dragan (@aprilush)2013-02-02 07:33:54
#linkeddata O RDF é o neurônio na mente ontológica das máquinas #TDC2012 #DadosAbertos
— Diogo Azzi Ferreira (@diogoazzi)2012-07-06 15:22:00
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
ahzf - 1diogoazzi - 1
aprilush - 1
GraphDevroom - 1
Most shared links - 2Related tags
linkeddata - 4fosdem - 3
semweb - 3
W3C - 2
graphdb - 2
TDC2012 - 1
DadosAbertos - 1