Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
@mmilinkov @IanSkerrett @kartben thanks for spreading the word! #FOSDEM #eclipse #m2m
— Andy Piper (@andypiper)2013-02-02 16:18:47
It's starting to snow at #FOSDEM, it's time to close our greenhouse! :) #m2m #eclipse http://t.co/efnl2LKg
— Benjamin Cabé (@kartben)2013-02-02 07:42:40
Heading to Brussels for #fosdem. Excited to meet with my dear @EclipseFdn friends again, and help bring #m2m geekiness to our booth!
— Benjamin Cabé (@kartben)2013-02-01 13:53:47
RT @vsenger: Slides da minha palestra de amanhã: Internet das coisas com Java e Things API http://t.co/8YxdB9nH - #TDC2012 #GYN #IoT #M2M
— Marcondes Maçaneiro (@marcondesm)2012-10-22 18:29:18
RT @vsenger: Slides da minha palestra de amanhã: Internet das coisas com Java e Things API http://t.co/8YxdB9nH - #TDC2012 #GYN #IoT #M2M
— Leonardo Lobo (@leolegas)2012-10-20 22:40:15
Bom saber disso “#JavaME nao morreu” #IoT #M2M #TDC2012 @TheDevConf
— Leonardo Lobo (@leolegas)2012-10-20 22:37:44
Fantástico RT @vsenger Slides da minha palestra: Internet das coisas com Java e Things API http://t.co/6BzF4Scx - #TDC2012 #GYN #IoT #M2M
— Marco Antonio Maciel (@marcomaciel)2012-10-20 21:45:55
@vsenger talking about #IoT and #M2M on #tdc2012 @ Goiania, Brazil http://t.co/S6eOItk7
— Maikel Sperandio (@maikelsperandio)2012-10-20 13:06:27
RT @vsenger: Slides da minha palestra de amanhã: Internet das coisas com Java e Things API http://t.co/8YxdB9nH - #TDC2012 #GYN #IoT #M2M
— Marcelo Quinta (@mrquinta)2012-10-19 21:11:58
Slides da minha palestra de amanhã: Internet das coisas com Java e Things API http://t.co/8YxdB9nH - #TDC2012 #GYN #IoT #M2M
— Vinicius (@vsenger)2012-10-19 20:09:36
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
leolegas - 2kartben - 2
marcomaciel - 1
andypiper - 1
vsenger - 1
mrquinta - 1
marcondesm - 1
maikelsperandio - 1
Most shared links
http://slidesha.re/TkFRE4 - 5Related tags
M2M - 10TDC2012 - 7
IoT - 7
GYN - 5
fosdem - 3
eclipse - 2
JavaME - 1