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RT @ProduktMacher: "Making a product better sometimes requires removing features" Marco Arment http://t.co/cvIBJ8GB8k #optimization #leanst…
— Anna Valeria (@AnnaValeryC)2013-09-05 03:42:29
"Making a product better sometimes requires removing features" Marco Arment http://t.co/cvIBJ8GB8k #optimization #leanstartup #custdev
— DieProduktMacher (@ProduktMacher)2013-09-05 03:41:37
Talk on #ABTesting #Optimization #DataTools & #Methodologies w/ @adamsfallen @spinnakr @jakestein @rjmetrics. #leanstartup #dctech #custdev
— Jules Weiss (@StrategistJules)2013-04-23 18:27:42
Stop by the #akamai booth at @gigaom's #mobilizeconf for a free 60 second mobile performance test + screen wipe. #mobile #optimization
— Akamai Technologies (@Akamai)2012-09-17 18:56:38
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Most active Tweeps
AnnaValeryC - 1Akamai - 1
StrategistJules - 1
ProduktMacher - 1
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http://pinterest.com/pin/240520436322609990/ - 2Related tags
optimization - 4custdev - 2
leanstartup - 2
ABTesting - 1
akamai - 1
DataTools - 1
leanst - 1
mobilizeconf - 1
Methodologies - 1
mobile - 1