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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @pekkamarjamaki: @al3ksis Here's what I learned: "Testing before #testing", "building #simplicity" and "conferring counts". #esconfs
— Aleksis Tulonen (@al3ksis)2013-11-05 07:02:32
@al3ksis Here's what I learned: "Testing before #testing", "building #simplicity" and "conferring counts". #esconfs
— Pekka Marjamäki (@pekkamarjamaki)2013-11-05 06:54:03
RT @Ultraman: My book's out! #UX #Design #Tech #ProblemSolving #Agile #LeanStartUp #Simplicity @Robert_Andre @pragpr…
— Robert_Andre (@Robert_Andre)2013-08-01 06:59:43
RT @Ultraman: My book's out! #UX #Design #Tech #ProblemSolving #Agile #LeanStartUp #Simplicity @Robert_Andre @pragpr…
— Boon Yew Chew (@boonych)2013-07-31 10:46:37
My book's out! #UX #Design #Tech #ProblemSolving #Agile #LeanStartUp #Simplicity @Robert_Andre @pragprog
— Eewei Chen (@Ultraman)2013-07-31 10:46:05
Ngomong2 simple, airline sukses di US, Southwest, hanya operate 1 jenis pesawat, Boeing 737. Why? #TCP #Simplicity #leanstartup
— gedemanggala (@gedemanggala)2013-07-01 05:11:16
RT @gedemanggala: Iijin usaha baru di Indonesia ada 9 prosedur, 31 hari kerja. Malaysia hanya 6 prosedur, 3 hari kerja #TCP #Simplicity #le…
— Lucky -kAy- (@luckay27)2013-06-30 20:18:54
RT @gedemanggala: Iijin usaha baru di Indonesia ada 9 prosedur, 31 hari kerja. Malaysia hanya 6 prosedur, 3 hari kerja #TCP #Simplicity #le…
— Alex Kuple Aryawan (@alexkuple)2013-06-30 20:16:29
Iijin usaha baru di Indonesia ada 9 prosedur, 31 hari kerja. Malaysia hanya 6 prosedur, 3 hari kerja #TCP #Simplicity #leanstartup
— gedemanggala (@gedemanggala)2013-06-30 20:10:12
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
gedemanggala - 2Ultraman - 1
al3ksis - 1
boonych - 1
alexkuple - 1
Robert_Andre - 1
luckay27 - 1
pekkamarjamaki - 1
Most shared links - 3Related tags
Simplicity - 9leanstartup - 5
TCP - 4
UX - 3
Design - 3
Tech - 3
ProblemSolving - 3
Agile - 3
testing - 2
esconfs - 2