Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
Our students aren't Mini-mes. RT @Trep_Ed: #Uncertainty rules the day (but not for long) http://t.co/AuH5cypgrv @ashmaurya #leanstartup
— Julie-Ann McFann (@julieannctlt)2013-09-04 16:14:20
#Uncertainty rules the day (but not for long) http://t.co/pSopLbyez8 @julieannctlt @ashmaurya #leanstartup
— Doan Winkel (@Trep_Ed)2013-09-04 15:21:32
The 30 Days of #Uncertainty from .@Yahoo! Didn't start off right! #firstimpressionsmatter #dailylogo http://t.co/TadMcyZXW0
— Anthony Wiktor (@creativeanthony)2013-08-07 15:33:04
RT @Gmfdsr: RT @proprocoach: Blogged: Real Options—A Mindset http://t.co/vs3iODJh #leanprocrastination #Agile2012 #uncertainty
— ProcrastinationCoach (@ProProCoach)2012-08-15 11:10:19
RT @ProProCoach: Blogged: Real Options—A Mindset http://t.co/mx0TSFUq #leanprocrastination #Agile2012 #uncertainty
— Petter Weiderholm (@pweiderholm)2012-08-15 06:41:05
RT @proprocoach: Blogged: Real Options—A Mindset http://t.co/vs3iODJh #leanprocrastination #Agile2012 #uncertainty
— Guillermo Montoya (@Gmfdsr)2012-08-15 03:12:48
Blogged: Real Options—A Mindset http://t.co/mx0TSFUq #leanprocrastination #Agile2012 #uncertainty
— ProcrastinationCoach (@ProProCoach)2012-08-15 02:53:10
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
ProProCoach - 2creativeanthony - 1
Trep_Ed - 1
Gmfdsr - 1
julieannctlt - 1
pweiderholm - 1
Most shared links
http://leanprocrastination.com/blog/2012/08/real-options-a-mindset/ - 4http://www.doanwinkel.com/teachinglean/2013/09/04/its-all-about-expectation/ - 2
http://yhoo.it/14kB357 - 1
Related tags
uncertainty - 7leanprocrastination - 4
Agile2012 - 4
leanstartup - 2
dailylogo - 1
firstimpressionsmatter - 1