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¿Qué tienen en común metodologías de #productividad, #mindfulness, movimiento #slow, #yoga, #leanstartup...? Enfocarse en el momento actual
— joaquin_pena (@joaquin_pena)2013-09-15 03:01:17
Had a nice, relaxing #yoga session this AM at #codemash. Thanks Suganthi!
— Bill Horvath (@billhorvath)2013-01-10 07:47:46
Loosen up with #Yoga tonight & Friday @ 6:30 #codemash
— Ben Woznicki (@benWoz)2013-01-10 07:39:26
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
benWoz - 1billhorvath - 1
joaquin_pena - 1
Most shared links!topic/codemash/d0DjaYpMkdo - 1Related tags
Yoga - 3codemash - 2
slow - 1
leanstartup - 1
productividad - 1
mindfulness - 1