Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @detroitpro: #CodeMash I need to find a good .NET developer around Ann Arbor. #aspnetmvc #aspnet #job #tdd #Microsoft #agile #statemachi…
— Jeff Hoover (@JeffHoover)2013-11-08 17:58:30
RT @detroitpro: #CodeMash I need to find a good .NET developer around Ann Arbor. #aspnetmvc #aspnet #job #tdd #Microsoft #agile #statemachi…
— phillpafford (@phillpafford)2013-11-08 17:48:36
#CodeMash I need to find a good .NET developer around Ann Arbor. #aspnetmvc #aspnet #job #tdd #Microsoft #agile #statemachine #mvc #hashtag
— Eric Polerecky (@detroitpro)2013-11-08 17:43:47
Sucesso palestra de ASPNET WebAPI com Windows Azure! #tdc2012 #aspnetmvc #azure :-)
— Waldyr Felix (@WaldyrFelix)2012-08-25 14:52:56
RT @waldyrfelix: A palestra de Design de Software com MVC foi sucesso! #aspnetmvc #tdc2012 @2PCBrasil
— DevBrasil.NET (@devbrasil)2012-08-25 14:18:01
RT @waldyrfelix: A palestra de Design de Software com MVC foi sucesso! #aspnetmvc #tdc2012 @2PCBrasil
— 2PC (@2PCBrasil)2012-08-25 14:18:01
RT @WaldyrFelix: Daqui a pouco minha segunda palestra do dia: ASPNET WebAPI com Windows Azure \o/ #tdc2012 #aspnetmvc #webapi #azure
— luconde (@luconde)2012-08-25 12:34:45
Daqui a pouco minha segunda palestra do dia: ASPNET WebAPI com Windows Azure \o/ #tdc2012 #aspnetmvc #webapi #azure
— Waldyr Felix (@WaldyrFelix)2012-08-25 12:24:45
RT @WaldyrFelix: A palestra de Design de Software com MVC foi sucesso! #aspnetmvc #tdc2012 @2PCBrasil
— Oberdan B. Ferreira (@OberdanFerreira)2012-08-25 12:10:54
"@WaldyrFelix: A palestra de Design de Software com MVC foi sucesso! #aspnetmvc #tdc2012 @2PCBrasil" #relampago
— Alvaro Brognoli (@alvarobrg)2012-08-25 12:09:55
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
WaldyrFelix - 4OberdanFerreira - 1
detroitpro - 1
luconde - 1
phillpafford - 1
ubuntroll - 1
2PCBrasil - 1
JeffHoover - 1
alvarobrg - 1
devbrasil - 1
Most shared links
http://ASP.NET - 5 - 2
Related tags
aspnetmvc - 13tdc2012 - 10
job - 3
tdd - 3
azure - 3
Microsoft - 3
CodeMash - 3
agile - 3
aspnet - 3
webapi - 2