Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @vigwallet: Thank you to all of you for your amazing support! #indiegogo #crowdfunding #ayudos #startup #leanstartup #cycling https://t.…
— Lisa O'Hara-Loomis (@LisaOHaraLoomis)2014-01-12 15:25:55
RT @vigwallet: Thank you to all of you for your amazing support! #indiegogo #crowdfunding #ayudos #startup #leanstartup #cycling https://t.…
— Startup ReTweeter (@StartupTweetSF)2014-01-12 15:23:49
RT @vigwallet: Thank you to all of you for your amazing support! #indiegogo #crowdfunding #ayudos #startup #leanstartup #cycling https://t.…
— Win A Home 4 Life (@WinAHome4Life)2014-01-12 15:23:47
RT @vigwallet: Thank you to all of you for your amazing support! #indiegogo #crowdfunding #ayudos #startup #leanstartup #cycling https://t.…
— Ayudos.com (@_Ayudos)2014-01-12 15:21:42
Thank you to all of you for your amazing support! #indiegogo #crowdfunding #ayudos #startup #leanstartup #cycling https://t.co/jDQdaYWU7M
— VIG Wallet (@vigwallet)2014-01-12 15:10:46
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
StartupTweetSF - 1vigwallet - 1
LisaOHaraLoomis - 1
_Ayudos - 1
WinAHome4Life - 1
Most shared links
https://www.facebook.com/vigwallet/posts/719772691366824?stream_ref=10 - 5Related tags
leanstartup - 5indiegogo - 5
cycling - 5
crowdfunding - 5
ayudos - 5
startup - 5