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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
— Meems (@MimiToday)2013-12-08 01:17:58
— Mattisa M. (@kwillsmom)2012-11-22 19:02:53
RT @agent462: I just noticed @allspaw 's shirt "YesOps" #classic #velocityconf
— someara (@someara)2012-06-26 23:31:15
RT @agent462: I just noticed @allspaw 's shirt "YesOps" #classic #velocityconf
— Nedimar P. Turatti (@nedmax)2012-06-26 14:37:42
RT @agent462: I just noticed @allspaw 's shirt "YesOps" #classic #velocityconf
— Mike Brittain (@mikebrittain)2012-06-26 14:18:31
RT @agent462: I just noticed @allspaw 's shirt "YesOps" #classic #velocityconf
— souders (@souders)2012-06-26 14:15:07
I just noticed @allspaw 's shirt "YesOps" #classic #velocityconf
— Bryan Brandau (@agent462)2012-06-26 14:04:35
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
nedmax - 1agent462 - 1
someara - 1
souders - 1
kwillsmom - 1
mikebrittain - 1
MimiToday - 1
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classic - 7velocityconf - 5
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