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Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @TheRealMegaDude: .@argodev is the broest of bros #truestory #codemash #congrats
— mobile tim (@node_rb)2014-01-09 21:42:08
.@argodev is the broest of bros #truestory #codemash #congrats
— Esteban MaƱley (@TheRealMegaDude)2014-01-09 19:24:54
Shame we don't have @markburgess_osl at #fosdem. 20 years of #cfengine deserves a celebratory dinner if nothing else #congrats
— Dean Wilson (@unixdaemon)2013-02-02 06:04:09
.@ManageWP is one year old today, has 45000 customers. If only the economy wasnt so bad. #sarcasm #congrats #leanstartup
— Mark Riffey (@MarkRiffey)2013-01-17 16:06:28
#Dica quase imparcial: Pair Coaching - Agile Brazil 2012 - cc: @toledorodrigo @danielhst \o/ #congrats #AgileBR
— Manoel Pimentel (@manoelp)2012-09-17 20:39:10
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
TheRealMegaDude - 1manoelp - 1
node_rb - 1
MarkRiffey - 1
unixdaemon - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
congrats - 5truestory - 2
codemash - 2
leanstartup - 1
Dica - 1
fosdem - 1
cfengine - 1
AgileBR - 1
sarcasm - 1