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Can code be art? Yes, but that is a whole different topic from what is happening on stage right now #dancing #oredev
— Mikael Lundin (@mikaellundin)2013-11-06 03:02:43
RT @EricMillerJr: #codemash needs to start paying or promoting @jgrafmeyer His tweets: #learning #coding #drinking #dancing #men #women ...
— Jim Grafmeyer (@jgrafmeyer)2013-01-10 01:49:54
#codemash needs to start paying or promoting @jgrafmeyer His tweets: #learning #coding #drinking #dancing #men #women #orgasm #baby #profit
— Eric Miller Jr. (@EricMillerJr)2013-01-10 01:49:35
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EricMillerJr - 1jgrafmeyer - 1
mikaellundin - 1
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dancing - 3codemash - 2
men - 2
learning - 2
women - 2
coding - 2
drinking - 2
profit - 1
oredev - 1
orgasm - 1