Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
The best time to start a business is when you've few resources 'cus it makes you #focus on your goal & instills #discipline! #LeanStartup
— Francis Foo (@francisfooqh)2013-12-15 14:37:23
RT @karennjohnson: #STPCon #discipline There is a mental calmness level that is your best “performing” state. Can you get to that state?
— uTest Community (@uTestCommunity)2012-10-18 11:24:22
RT @karennjohnson: #STPCon #discipline There is a mental calmness level that is your best “performing” state. Can you get to that state?
— Rebecca Showerman (@rshowerman)2012-10-18 11:24:21
RT @karennjohnson: #STPCon #discipline There is a mental calmness level that is your best “performing” state. Can you get to that state?
— Ryan Henricksen (@WRYUN)2012-10-18 11:02:07
#STPCon #discipline There is a mental calmness level that is your best “performing” state. Can you get to that state?
— karennjohnson (@karennjohnson)2012-10-18 11:01:36
RT @karennjohnson: @karennjohnson #STPCon keynote #discipline: Time & Discipline is like a diet; seek balance. Hearty days & lig ...
— Ryan Henricksen (@WRYUN)2012-10-18 10:48:41
@karennjohnson #STPCon keynote #discipline: Time & Discipline is like a diet; seek balance. Hearty days & light days. Seek a mix of both.
— karennjohnson (@karennjohnson)2012-10-18 10:32:31
RT @freire_da_silva: #tdd needs #skill, #discipline, #ease and #joy @jamesshore reminds us at #agilebr
— DevGrupoFortes (@DevGrupoFortes)2012-09-06 08:35:20
RT @freire_da_silva: #tdd needs #skill, #discipline, #ease and #joy @jamesshore reminds us at #agilebr
— Agile Brazil (@agilebrazil)2012-09-06 08:33:39
#tdd needs #skill, #discipline, #ease and #joy @jamesshore reminds us at #agilebr
— Alexandre Freire (@freire_da_silva)2012-09-06 08:31:56
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
karennjohnson - 2WRYUN - 2
francisfooqh - 1
freire_da_silva - 1
agilebrazil - 1
rshowerman - 1
DevGrupoFortes - 1
uTestCommunity - 1
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discipline - 10STPCon - 6
joy - 3
tdd - 3
agilebr - 3
skill - 3
ease - 3
focus - 1
LeanStartup - 1