Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @Investment_Owl: @YibaCo http://t.co/yv1ucLKVEG #YibaCo #p2plending #SouthAfrica #Africa #LeanStartup #Cloud #Fact #leaders
— yiba.co (@YibaCo)2013-10-16 06:52:08
@YibaCo http://t.co/yv1ucLKVEG #YibaCo #p2plending #SouthAfrica #Africa #LeanStartup #Cloud #Fact #leaders
— @InvestmentOwl (@Investment_Owl)2013-10-16 06:20:23
Fail fast, succeed fasted #fact #leanstartup #leanthinking
— Zlata Sushchik (@ZlataSushchik)2013-06-08 02:32:48
Yalın Girişim'i Eric Ries yerine Ahmet, Mehmet veya Fatma bulsaydı bu kadar rağbet görmezdi. #leanstartup #girisimci #fact #gercek
— Mehmet Şen (@mehmetsen80)2013-05-14 11:09:48
“@KrisBuytaert: Most of the interresting #devops content is now in the Testing track #fosdem”#fact
— Rhommel Lamas (@rhoml)2013-02-02 09:24:50
RT @beezly: Google Compute Engine is "LIKE A HUGE SPACE LASER" #FACT #velocityconf
— Tim Parkinson (@tim_parkinson)2012-10-03 12:12:39
RT @beezly: Google Compute Engine is "LIKE A HUGE SPACE LASER" #FACT #velocityconf
— Steve Bennett (@DaemonSteve)2012-10-03 11:13:28
Google Compute Engine is "LIKE A HUGE SPACE LASER" #FACT #velocityconf
— Andrew Beresford (@beezly)2012-10-03 11:06:56
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
rhoml - 1YibaCo - 1
beezly - 1
mehmetsen80 - 1
DaemonSteve - 1
ZlataSushchik - 1
tim_parkinson - 1
Investment_Owl - 1
Most shared links
http://vator.tv/news/2013-02-14-lending-clubs-plans-to-replace-the-us-banking-system#KOPdxWQ5b0bb34OW.02 - 2Related tags
FACT - 8leanstartup - 4
velocityconf - 3
leaders - 2
p2plending - 2
SouthAfrica - 2
Africa - 2
Cloud - 2
YibaCo - 2
girisimci - 1