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It's good to see an #IIBA booth @ #agile2013 http://t.co/ohaGF8DtXJ
— Jeffrey Davidson (@JeffreyGoodReq)2013-08-04 18:06:05
disagreement as #collaboration + #TED talk http://t.co/dLLsOcMY #agile2012 #decisions #agilepm #agileba #iiba #pmiagile #ThinkWellTogether
— Ellen Gottesdiener (@ellengott)2012-08-15 14:05:07
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ellengott - 1JeffreyGoodReq - 1
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http://bit.ly/NRmEBw - 1Related tags
iiba - 2agilepm - 1
agile2013 - 1
collaboration - 1
agileba - 1
TED - 1
agile2012 - 1
pmiagile - 1
decisions - 1
ThinkWellTogether - 1