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#agile2013 Since when was Jerry Sandusky the keynote? I hope he can give me advice on child capture #methmademedoit #justiceforzimmerman
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 12:36:36
#agile2013 SPAMBOT controlled by http://t.co/XdkgFH7aoJ #justiceforzimmerman
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 12:26:42
RT @lukeptba: #agile2013 I love the new spotify motto "Inject it, smoke it, snort it, lick it!" #justiceforzimmerman #gerrykirkfucksdogs
— Clarence Thomas Jr. (@clarencethomasj)2013-08-06 12:13:50
#agile2013 I love the new spotify motto "Inject it, smoke it, snort it, lick it!" #justiceforzimmerman #gerrykirkfucksdogs
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 12:13:18
#agile2013 George Bush was behind 9/11 and Obama is chemtrailing us as we speak. #justiceforzimmerman
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 12:06:10
#agile2013 Columbine was so good i came 3 times. Anders Breivik only gave me a halfie though, he didnt kill enough kids.#justiceforzimmerman
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 12:01:10
#agile2013 This place would be so much better if there were no niggers. #justiceforzimmerman
— lukeptba (@lukeptba)2013-08-06 11:48:31
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agile2013 - 7justiceforzimmerman - 7
gerrykirkfucksdogs - 2
methmademedoit - 1