Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @benmoore1982: “Success is not delivering a feature, success is learning how to solve the customers problem.” #LeanStartup #Kodak
— Marcelio Leal (@marcelioleal)2013-10-23 09:38:33
“Success is not delivering a feature, success is learning how to solve the customers problem.” #LeanStartup #Kodak
— Ben Moore (@benmoore1982)2013-10-22 18:52:12
Product development: "Success is learning how to solve the customer's problem." #markcook #LeanStartup #EricRies #kodak #QuoteOfTheDay
— Melanie Kovacs (@KovacsMelanie)2013-10-17 19:41:31
Dedicated, plan... man's mar funding self-selected http://t.co/rRW6so4RgU say, tank' it! lEAN.#LeanStartup it’s #tools #kodak #insightful
— #Lean Startup (@horse_startlean)2013-09-16 16:52:56
Why does the #leanstartup mention #kodak as an example of out of the box thinking? #chapter11 #aprilfools?
— Ben Bernstein (@landmilkandtech)2013-05-30 11:31:20
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
benmoore1982 - 1landmilkandtech - 1
marcelioleal - 1
horse_startlean - 1
KovacsMelanie - 1
Most shared links
http://buff.ly/15tE2X4 - 1Related tags
leanstartup - 5kodak - 5
tools - 1
insightful - 1
markcook - 1
chapter11 - 1
EricRies - 1
aprilfools - 1
QuoteOfTheDay - 1