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"The only thing that matters is getting to product/market fit." #leanstartup tips (c)@shafqatislam CEO of world leader content #mktg
— TBernie Talks Beauty (@COCOACHiCBeauty)2013-09-05 15:06:35
@copyblogger @ericries What top mktg strategies should a startup focus on to scale quickly? #leanstartup #strategy #mktg
— Carrie Layne (@carrielayne)2013-03-13 12:48:45
THE TRUE AMERICAN FREEDOM #economy #mktg #sales #firefoxbrasil #drupalcamppoa #fisl #KDE #portfolio #blog #creative
— eros thanatos (@razzendres)2012-07-31 23:49:32
THE TRUE AMERICAN FREEDOM #consumer #sales #fisl13 #economy #mktg #China #startup #ceo #soexcited #NextGenGov
— eros thanatos (@razzendres)2012-07-30 23:12:14
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Most active Tweeps
razzendres - 2carrielayne - 1
COCOACHiCBeauty - 1
Most shared links - 2Related tags
mktg - 4sales - 2
economy - 2
leanstartup - 2
KDE - 1
strategy - 1
NextGenGov - 1
consumer - 1
portfolio - 1
China - 1