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RT @everettharper: Were talking #LeanStartup #oakland and teaching problem solving to young'ns...& talking bad about @timesync http://t.co/…
— Ayori Selassie (@iayori)2013-12-10 20:43:11
Were talking #LeanStartup #oakland and teaching problem solving to young'ns...& talking bad about @timesync http://t.co/1JtWDWEKe4
— Everett Harper (@everettharper)2013-12-10 19:36:45
Top tags in my Twitchimp list "Tech Incubators" http://t.co/slkvH1cfOU #WTPbook #oakland #NSA #leanstartup #hookem
— CTOlabs (@ctolabs)2013-08-30 09:25:28
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Most active Tweeps
ctolabs - 1everettharper - 1
iayori - 1
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http://twitchimp.com/user/ctolabs/tech-incubators - 1Related tags
oakland - 3leanstartup - 3
hookem - 1
WTPbook - 1
NSA - 1