Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @rootsikal: Really cool presentation of #orientdb at #jse2012 #linagora #OBMÂ
— Luca Garulli (@lgarulli)2012-11-17 06:33:43
Really cool presentation of #orientdb at #jse2012 #linagora #OBMÂ
— Mickael Bailly (@rootsikal)2012-11-17 06:12:14
now full stack js apps for business, #jse2012 #linagora #obm
— Mickael Bailly (@rootsikal)2012-11-17 03:40:10
Let's go for a great day at #jse2012 ! #linagora #obm. GeekSpeak starts the show
— Mickael Bailly (@rootsikal)2012-11-17 03:01:53