Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @szabgab: #Perl #FOSDEM #outreach http://t.co/kDFs2kzw
— Sebastien Deseille (@sdeseille)2013-01-28 12:41:49
RT @szabgab: #Perl #FOSDEM #outreach http://t.co/kDFs2kzw
— Tim Bunce (@timbunce)2013-01-28 04:44:09
RT @szabgab: #Perl #FOSDEM #outreach http://t.co/kDFs2kzw
— Kalanamith (@kalanamith)2013-01-28 04:16:31
#Perl #FOSDEM #outreach http://t.co/kDFs2kzw
— Gabor Szabo (@szabgab)2013-01-28 04:14:31
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
sdeseille - 1szabgab - 1
kalanamith - 1
timbunce - 1
Most shared links
http://szabgab.com/perl-at-fosdem-2013-and-the-outreach.html - 4Related tags
Perl - 4FOSDEM - 4
outreach - 4