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My 2013 book list: #leanin , #leanstartup, and #DataScience for Business. #inspiring, #insightful, and #practical. Must read!
— Rebekah Jackson (@JacksonRebekah)2013-09-14 21:18:31
RT @jerrywelch: Rapid Performance Testing w/the #pragmatic #practical @sbarber Despite the bad impersonations, this could be a great way ...
— JeanAnn Harrison (@JA_Harrison)2012-10-19 09:37:50
Rapid Performance Testing w/the #pragmatic #practical @sbarber Despite the bad impersonations, this could be a great way to wrap up #STPCon
— Jerry Welch (@jerrywelch)2012-10-18 12:00:10
Decisions, decisions! trust, transparency + ur agile values. join me wed @ 9 #agile2012 #DecideHow2Decide #practical
— Ellen Gottesdiener (@ellengott)2012-08-14 15:45:02
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Most active Tweeps
JacksonRebekah - 1ellengott - 1
jerrywelch - 1
JA_Harrison - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
practical - 4pragmatic - 2
STPCon - 1
insightful - 1
agile2012 - 1
leanin - 1
DecideHow2Decide - 1
leanstartup - 1
DataScience - 1
inspiring - 1