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RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Richard Dos Anjos (@D02S)2012-10-09 03:39:05
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Dits kenny (@kenny_dee)2012-10-06 12:21:37
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Gregor Elke (@greelgorke)2012-10-06 07:35:38
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Vincent Voyer (@zeroload)2012-10-06 07:12:10
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— bondt (@bondt)2012-10-06 06:23:57
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Anton Whalley (@antonwhalley)2012-10-06 06:09:09
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Markus Leutwyler (@twtomcat)2012-10-06 05:56:51
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— integralist (@integralist)2012-10-06 05:51:23
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Jaime Bueza (@jbueza)2012-10-06 05:46:39
RT @hij1nx: Facebook engineer shares his experiences about how OOP generally over-complicates things. #true #proFunctional #jsconfeu
— Igor Soarez (@igorsoarez)2012-10-06 05:46:27
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D02S - 1integralist - 1
zeroload - 1
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antonwhalley - 1
kenny_dee - 1
jbueza - 1
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true - 11proFunctional - 11
jsconfeu - 11