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RT @nick1443: It's easy to find #staff just #hard to find #superstars #entrepreneur #Employment #startup #Technology #robotics #goal #LeanS…
— Startups Retweeter (@startups_rt)2014-01-12 23:13:53
It's easy to find #staff just #hard to find #superstars #entrepreneur #Employment #startup #Technology #robotics #goal #LeanStartup #startup
— Nick Tripp (@nick1443)2014-01-12 23:11:29
This talk @ #pnsqc is the intersection of #quality, #lego #robotics and literally the next generation of engineering
— moss drake (@mxmoss)2012-09-21 13:26:51
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
mxmoss - 1nick1443 - 1
startups_rt - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
robotics - 3staff - 2
startup - 2
hard - 2
Technology - 2
superstars - 2
goal - 2
entrepreneur - 2
LeanStartup - 2
Employment - 2