Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
It's so hard not to track vanity metrics when you launch a App in the store!! I can't help but check downloads! #sigh #LeanStartup
— Guille OrtizDeZarate (@GuillermoOZ)2014-01-06 12:25:36
Top tags in my Twitchimp list "Tech Incubators" #WTPbook #WTP #madmark #video #sigh #LeanStartup #NSA
— CTOlabs (@ctolabs)2013-09-04 15:26:36
Eu tinha que ter ido pra #RubyConfBR #sigh
— Samuel Flores (@samflores)2013-08-29 21:23:53
First day back after #agile2012 and most of the hope and excitement I brought back from the past week is gone in 90 minutes. #sigh
— Christina H (@ChristinaHartik)2012-08-21 10:50:13
Darn, lost the spork @t_broderick from @techsmith gave me. #sigh #agile2012
— Laurens Bonnema (@laurensbonnema)2012-08-16 16:58:02
What can we gather from the tweets?
Most active Tweeps
ctolabs - 1laurensbonnema - 1
GuillermoOZ - 1
ChristinaHartik - 1
samflores - 1
Most shared links - 1Related tags
sigh - 5agile2012 - 2
LeanStartup - 2
WTP - 1
madmark - 1
video - 1
RubyConfBR - 1
WTPbook - 1
NSA - 1