Recent Tweets
Below is the list of collected tweets, including retweets:
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— Gerry Alvarez (@galvarez421)2013-09-10 09:13:38
RT @tkadlec: Happy @addyosmani brought up image decoding! Under-discussed—but important—reason for why responsive images are needed. #smash…
— Sandra (@alexhris)2013-09-10 07:11:19
RT @tkadlec: Happy @addyosmani brought up image decoding! Under-discussed—but important—reason for why responsive images are needed. #smash…
— Mark Hohertz (@MarkHohertz)2013-09-10 06:58:10
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— John Cockrell (@sjhcockrell)2013-09-09 14:11:40
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— Christoph Rohrer (@chris_rohrer)2013-09-09 12:53:31
RT @jamiebrooker: #InclusiveDesign "@brad_frost If you design for the extremes, you make the experience better for all users. @lukew #smash…
— Jurgen Tanghe (@jurgentanghe)2013-09-09 11:49:14
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— Michaela (@ohyahme)2013-09-09 10:27:49
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— Michał Kierat (@kierate)2013-09-09 07:40:30
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— Aakash Bapna (@_aakash)2013-09-09 06:41:27
RT @brad_frost: Prioritize performance from the outset of the process, and let it influence every design decision you make. @tkadlec #smash…
— Rogier Barendregt (@usethetics)2013-09-09 06:40:38
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